About the First Annual
ASLP Conference

Norma Camilleri – ASLP President
Welcome Message
The Association of Speech-Language Pathologists, established in 1985, strongly believes in the importance of creating continuous professional development opportunities to Speech-Language Pathologists in Malta. Throughout the years it held several seminars, talks and training workshops targeting a wide range of communication and swallowing disorders. It is now a great pleasure and honour to announce that we will be holding the first National Speech Language Pathology conference in Malta on 2-3 February 2023. ASLP is collaborating with the Speech Language Centre, within Primary HealthCare. This conference is part of a larger project entitled ‘The Role and Contribution of the Speech Language Pathologist in Society’, which was funded by the Voluntary Organisations Projects Scheme, managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector. We are thrilled to organise this event and the Organising Committee has been working on the planning of this conference for several months to ensure a varied and interesting programme.
We invite you to grab this opportunity to join us on 2-3 February 2023 to share your research, clinical practice, learn and network with colleagues. We all stand to learn from each other, no matter how experienced we are. So I strongly encourage you to join us at the conference. I also encourage you to submit your abstract to share your work!
The people behind ASLP Conference
The Conference The Role and Contribution of the SLP in Society
The Conference schedule is packed with interesting topics that cover a wide range of communication and swallowing disorders.
Click below to view our Schedule. The full program will be published later on. Stay tuned.
2nd February
3rd February
Get Directions to the Conference Venue
2nd and 3rd February 2023
08:30AM till 14:30PM
Tickets info
Name: Kirby Cutajar
Email: info@aslpconference.mt
Programme Details
Name: Sub Committee
Email: abstracts@aslpconference.mt
2nd and 3rd February 2023
08:30AM till 14:30PM
Tickets info
Kirby Cutajar
Programme Details
Sub Committee
By Taxi:
If you choose to come by taxi, simply provide hotel name to Taxi Driver “Cavalieri Art Hotel, Spinola Road San Ġiljan, STJ 3019”
By Bus:
The Closest bustop is “ROSS’which will stop you 3/4 mins walk away.
The Cavalieri Art Hotel does not provide parking, however parking tickets for the Portomaso car park are available for purchase from the Cavalieri Art Hotel at a reduced price.