Professor Fofi Constantinidou

Thursday 2nd Feb
Keynote Speech
Prof Fofi Constantinidou - Managing Acquired Brain Conditions with Integrative Clinical Neuroscience.
Neurological conditions affect brain health and are a leading cause of disability and loss of productive years. Acquired brain disorders (e.g., traumatic brain injury, stroke and dementia) are on the forefront as they result in debilitating neuropsychological challenges, including impairments in cognition, language, behavior and affect. These impairments hinder vocational integration for younger patients and social engagement in general. The resulting global societal and economic burden for people across their lifespan, is huge. In this presentation, we will integrate clinical neuroscience research to characterize and manage these conditions. First, we will discuss challenges and opportunities resulting from common conditions affecting brain health. Second, we will present data on the long-term effects of brain injury, the underlying neurophysiology (structure and function) associated with neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning and the association between brain reserve and
cognitive reserve. Third we will discuss the most prominent neurorehabilitation pathways and theory driven treatment programs. Finally, we will provide research evidence from
integrative clinical neuroscience efforts designed to improve neuropsychological functioning and will conclude with directions for policy and future research.
Learning objectives:
By the end of this symposium attendees will:
1. Gain knowledge on the impact of acquired brain conditions on cognitive-communication and psychosocial functioning.
2. Describe how advances in neuroscience research can inform the management of acquired brain conditions, including precision or person-centered rehabilitation.
3. Explain various neurorehabilitation pathways and a neurological bio psychosocial approach towards improving brain health.
4. Associate concepts such as brain reserve and cognitive reserve and their contribution to recovery of function.
5. Discuss common and novel biomarkers of brain structure and function.