SPEAKER Dr Rita Micallef

Dr Micallef is a senior lecturer with the University of Malta and lectures on various topics including: Disability Issues, Communication and Intellectual Impairment, Collaborative Practices, Language and Psychiatry, Challenging Behaviour and has also lectured at various European Universities on ASD. She is also nominated as an expert in the field of emotional intelligence and has lectured at various universities across Europe. She holds a Doctorate in Education: Area researched: Emotions as indicators of performance – Towards a redefinition of professionalism in the post modern workplace. She is a Licensed Trainer with the National Autistic Society (NAS) and organizes both parent and professionals training programmes in autism at Inspire. Dr Micallef is also an appointed education consultant with the Foundation and a Trustee of the same Foundation. Dr Micallef is the Director Allied Health Services within the Ministry For Health and is responsible for the plan of services provided by 20 Allied Health Professions, in various different locations in Malta and Gozo. She has been nominated on the Positive Parenting Task Force, Chairperson of the Sector Skills Unit ( Health and Social Care) MFHEA, and member on the Research and Ethics Board of the IFE. She is qualified in Training and Human Resource Management and in Clinical Speech and Language Studies. She is a Member on the Board of Studies and the Board of Examiners of the Communication Therapy Division – University of Malta.