SPEAKER Professor Fofi Constantinidou

Fofi Constantinidou is a Professor of Psychology & Director of the Center for Applied Neuroscience. She is a certified speech-language pathologist (US and Cyprus), a Brain Injury Specialist (ABIS) and a neurorehabilitation researcher. Prior to her return to Cyprus, she was a Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Miami University, Ohio, USA. Fofi and her interdisciplinary team at the Neurocognitive Research Laboratory, Center for Applied Neuroscience (University of Cyprus) explore the neurophysiological substrates of neuropsychological disorders resulting from acquired brain conditions and the development of effective neurorehabilitation methodologies. Her research has been supported by grants (>11m euros; 4.5m euros as Coordinator) from the National Institutes of Health, the European Union and the Cyprus Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF). Fofi holds various leadership positions in Cyprus, the US, and other European and International organizations and serves on several Advisory Boards. She has received several awards for her contributions, including the RIF Distinguished Researcher Award and the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Distinguished Member Award. She is Fellow of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association and of the ACRM.